How to install Node.js on Siteground Shared Hosting

Andrea Cannella
1 min readMay 20, 2016


You’ve bought a shared hosting on Siteground and you want to install Node.js?

On the web you’ve read that is not possible to install Node on Shared Hosting environment or you’ve found tutorials that doesn’t work on Siteground?

Ok, this tutorial is for you!

First of all you need SSH access on your Siteground hosting. Create an SSH Key from you cPanel and then access to your hosting from your Terminal Utility

ssh -i "path/to/your/key" user@host -p18765

Now you are on your hosting, but you have no root access and you have a lot of limitation… But never give up!

Now go on your home folder and the magic is coming…

cd ~
curl http:// | tar xz
mv node-v6.2.0-linux-x64/ nodejs
mkdir ~/bin
cp nodejs/bin/node ~/bin
cd ~/bin
ln -s ../nodejs/lib/node_modules/npm/bin/npm-cli.js npm

That’s all! You have now Node.js working and running on your Siteground Shared Hosting. If you want to verify that it’s working, you can show the version of Node and npm

node --version
npm --version

This tutorial was written starting from this one with some correction related to Siteground.



Andrea Cannella

IT & Digital addicted. Sono un sognatore e vivo spesso nel mio Iperuranio.