The Importance of Giorno del Ricordo in Italian Culture and History

Andrea Cristiani
3 min readFeb 26, 2023

“Giorno del Ricordo,” or “Day of Remembrance,” is an Italian cultural day held annually on February 10th. It is a day that commemorates the victims of forced displacement and violence against Italian populations in the former Yugoslavia after World War II. Although the day was just a few days ago, it remains a crucial part of Italian culture and history.

The events leading up to the establishment of “Giorno del Ricordo” date back to the end of World War II, when the territory of Istria, Fiume, and Dalmatia was annexed to Yugoslavia. At the time, these territories were home to many Italian communities, who were suddenly cut off from their homeland and subjected to persecution and violence. The Yugoslav authorities implemented a policy of forced assimilation, seeking to erase all traces of Italian culture and identity from the region.

As a result, many Italian civilians and soldiers were killed, displaced, or forced to flee the region. Over 300,000 people were affected, causing significant trauma and pain for Italian communities. The forced displacement was particularly brutal, with families torn apart and communities shattered. Many Italians lost their homes, possessions, and livelihoods, and were forced to start over in unfamiliar and hostile surroundings.



Andrea Cristiani

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