travesias emocionales
2 min readJun 2, 2024

How to achieve your ultimate wellness goals with yoga. Part III.

Spend more time outdoors.

Spending more time outdoors improves your health, your mood, and feels energized and creative.
Even a 10-minute walk is relaxing for stress.

No matter where you live and add more quality time outdoors to your daily life. You can consider a walk during lunch or skip the car for short distances.

Another idea is to have morning tea on the patio or balcony or have it in the park before entering work.

Also enjoy weekends in nature, you can go on hiking or camping trips with friends or take a meditative walk.

If you are interested in having a hiking vacation, click here.

Have you talked about forest bathing? This Japanese practice is based on being in nature and savoring the sounds, smells, sights and textures of the forest.

Take a one-hour walk and observe the colors of the leaves and the rays of sunlight filtering through the branches.

Listen to the birds and the rustling of the trees. Smell the fresh air full of earthy fragrance and refreshing pine aroma.

Touch the trunks, branches and leaves, sit on the ground and feel the texture of the moss. Forget about all problems and let calm and joy take over you as you become one with nature. Doesn't that sound wonderful?

Asanas that you can practice in nature:

  • Mountain Pose (Tadasana)
  • Tree Pose (Vriksasana)
  • Low Lunge Pose (Anjaneyasana)
  • Warrior Pose III (Virabhadrasana III)
  • Eagle Pose (Garudasana)
  • Child’s Pose (Balasana)
  • Half Lord of the Fish Pose (Ardha Matsyendrāsana)

Enjoy self-care.

Self-care takes time, taking breaks throughout the day. For example, take a bath instead of a quick shower or take a break from the PC for your tea or coffee without rushing.

Consider setting aside 15 minutes in your schedule to read a chapter of your favorite book or cook your favorite dish.

On weekends, you may want to give yourself an extra hour of sleep and start your day with a short walk. You will soon notice that doing these little things will give you more energy to do all the other tasks.

While these small self-care rituals can lift your spirits on a daily basis, don't forget to take a longer break to fully relax and recharge your batteries.

Can't you take a longer leave? Consider planning an extended three-day weekend every once in a while.

Taking just one extra day off on Friday or Monday can make a big difference, especially if you often feel like your weekends are too short to rest.

You can also enjoy a health and wellness retreat where you focus on your practice and treat yourself.

Do it and enjoy here:

Asanas to relax:

  • Child’s Pose (Balasana)
  • Legs up the wall pose (Viparita Karani)
  • Crocodile Pose (Makarasana)
  • Bound Angle Pose (Baddha Koṇāsana)
  • Supine Pigeon Pose (Supta Kapotāsana)
  • Easy Pose (Sukhasana)
  • Corpse Pose (Shavasana)

Enjoy this wellness tourism!

travesias emocionales

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