travesias emocionales
2 min readMay 19, 2024

The paisa and sausage tray are German influence in Colombia?

tiones that are consumed in various regions of Spain, especially during the coldest months.

Next, some of the regions and contexts are detailed in which these dishes are especially popular:

Chorizo ​​lentils.

Chorizo ​​lentils are a common dish throughout Spain, but they are particularly popular in the following areas:

Castilla y León: The brownin lentils of field of fields, a small and fine skin variety, are highly valued and frequently used in the preparation of this dish.
La Rioja: The region is also known for its lentil stews, where the Riojan sausage, with its characteristic flavor, plays a crucial role.
Extremadura: The stewed lentils with chorizo ​​are a regional specialty, often enriched with local ingredients such as the paprika de la Vera.
Cooked with sausage.

Cooking is a stew that varies significantly from one region to another, but many versions include sausage. Some of the best known versions are:

- Madrid cooked: It is perhaps the most famous version and consists of a chickpea stew with various types of meat, sausage, black pudding and vegetables. It is served in three overturns: soup, chickpeas with vegetables and meat.

- Cooked mountain: originally from Cantabria, this variant uses white beans instead of chickpeas and usually includes sausage, black pudding, bacon and cabbage.

- Cooked maragato: from the León region, this cooked is served backwards: first meats (including sausage), then vegetables and finally soup.

- Cooked Lebaniego: also from Cantabria, it is made with chickpeas, potatoes, berza (curly) and an assortment of meats including chorizo.

These dishes can be enjoyed in many places throughout Spain, but some outstanding destinations include:

Traditional taverns and restaurants in Madrid, where authentic Madrid cooked are served.
Houses of food and inns in Castilla y León, especially in rural towns where traditional lentils and cooked are prepared.
Sidrerías and taverns in northern Spain, such as Asturias and Cantabria, where mountain and lebaniegos cooked are prepared.
In addition, many Spanish homes have their own family recipes for these dishes, which are transmitted from generation to generation, making each preparation unique.
The sausage and the paisa tray is an antecedent of the Spanish legacy and not German. The question we ask ourselves is, what German products is part of Colombian food? We will decipher it in the next post.

travesias emocionales

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