Is it time for a life change?

3 min readFeb 10, 2017


The day I lost my puppy I decided it was time for me to leave.


Ok, lets get real. I didn’t have a really cute puppy who died and it is not the reason why I left Italy. I just wanted to bring up some emotions for no reasons.


I am originally from Brescia, a really nice city in the Italian Lake Region. With its 200.000 inhabitants it is a nice place to live. Beside for the sea Brescia has it all; culture, art, nightlife and as everywhere in italy food is great.

To be honest I had good time while living there. Good friends, a girlfriend, a regular job, car, scooter, living on my own. Nothing was missing but I wasn’t happy.

It can happen sometimes that our mind gives us signs that something in our life is not going as supposed to. Unfortunately,most of the time, it takes long time before we understand those signs and it is because we don’t listen to ourselves.

Here following those little daily things that made me realise something was wrong. If you also are experimenting them in your life is probably time to take a brake and rediscuss you're future.

* Waking up and go to work is the worst feeling

Going to work is a big part of everyones life, and as a big component we should try to enjoy it as much as we can. If you experience a terrible feeling every time you wake up in the morning, or when you approach the end of the weekend that is a clear sign that there is something wrong.

* People often tell you to relax

If friends and colleagues tell you frequently “You need to relax”,“Calm down” or “Take it easy” is probably the case that you are holding back something you should let go or maybe not enjoying your everyday’ life.

Take a breath and maybe consider you have to change something.

* Everyone seems to annoy you

Having a hard time living by the “don’t sweat the small stuff” motto might indicate some extra angst and negativity around. Nitpicking and always finding something wrong with what everyone is doing is a hint that there are some underlying issues. The issues can be anything but it usually indicates an unhappiness with your life somehow.

* You think life should be more than this

This is the key. If you are constantly thinking that life should be something more, than you probably have the answer you are looking for.

Yes, life it should be something more.

* You daydream more than you are present

Ok so daydreaming is definitely a fun thing to do. The point here is that you can’t do it all day. When you find yourself doing this more than normal, it’s time to take a deep look inside and see what’s missing.

These are a few signs that you might need a major life change. Don’t underestimate what your body tells you and remember that how you live your life is determined by you, no one else. Rather than feeling helpless and defeated, pick yourself up, figure out what you want, and go after it. Don’t forget to love yourself and definitely don’t settle. You deserve better than that.


