Tasting The Ocean
2 min readNov 14, 2021

🍁Demand #30🍁

“Hate is a very strong word. Think of what it might look like and feel like to be hated. And then ponder the marvel of doing good for the one who hates you. Jesus certainly knew what it was like to be hated (Luke 19:14; John 7:7; 15:18, 24-25), and he laid his life down for all of his enemies who would receive his love.

When Jesus said, “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lays down his life for his friends” (John 15:13), he was not measuring the greatness of his love by the fact that he was dying for his friends, but by the fact that he was dying—and doing it freely. By referring to his friends he meant that the purpose of his death to remove the wrath of God (John 3:14-15, 36) and forgive sins (Matt. 26:28) would only be experienced by those who are now enemies but lay down their enmity and become his friends."

Key Passages:
Matthew 18:21-22
Luke 6:27
Matthew 5:47

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🍁Exigencia #30🍁

“Odio es una palabra muy fuerte. Piensa en cómo sería verte y sentirte odiado. Y luego reflexiona sobre la maravilla de hacer el bien al que te odia. Jesús ciertamente sabía lo que era ser odiado (Lucas 19:14; Juan 7: 7; 15:18, 24-25), y dio su vida por todos sus enemigos que recibirían su amor.

Cuando Jesús dijo: "Nadie tiene mayor amor que este, que alguno dé su vida por sus amigos" (Juan 15:13), no estaba midiendo la grandeza de su amor por el hecho de que estaba muriendo por sus amigos, sino por el hecho de que se estaba muriendo, y lo hacía libremente. Al referirse a sus amigos, quiso decir que el propósito de su muerte para quitar la ira de Dios (Juan 3: 14-15, 36) y perdonar los pecados (Mateo 26:28) solo lo experimentarían aquellos que ahora son enemigos pero cambia su enemistad y los convierte en sus amigos".

Pasajes clave:
Mateo 18:21-22
Lucas 6:27
Mateo 5:47

📚“What Jesus Demands of the World” by John Piper.

Tasting The Ocean

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