Being Sexy is All in Your Head

Think sexy, be sexy

Andrea Howell
3 min readJun 14, 2019
Photo by Chris Barbalis on Unsplash

Why is it that when a woman wears a little red dress and lipstick, guys will drool over her and helplessly stare?

Is it because of the sexually appealing red dress and lipstick look or is it because she feels sexy in that outfit, therefore, is being sexy?

Either way, it’s normal to feel sexy when you’re wearing a sexy outfit, but what if you want to be sexy while wearing jeans and a t-shirt?

What if you want to be comfortable and sexy at the same time?

It’s possible. It’s all about the way you think and the way you carry yourself.

So really, it’s all in you’re head.

If you don’t think you’re sexy, you probably won’t appear that way either.

“Being sexy is all about attitude, not body type. It’s a state of mind.” — Amisha Patel

You need to think sexy, feel sexy, and be sexy.

But how?

Become a magnet to your surroundings

This tip works, trust me. Just walk into a room with your head held high and walk as you know exactly who you are. Have confidence. Even if you don’t feel like you do, act as you do, and…



Andrea Howell

Freelance Writer 💭 AI-Enhanced Content Strategist 🤖 Humans first 🤝🏼 Stay up to date with the latest trends in AI Tech & Entrepreneurship💡