Ways to Level-up Your Instagram Bio

insta freaks
4 min readOct 27, 2022

Nowadays, your Instagram bio fonts is pretty much a cover letter, portfolio, and website all wrapped up in one.

And with just seconds (and limited character space) to introduce yourself and convey your value, how do you decide which details to include?

We’ve got you covered. We’re sharing eight tips to craft a memorable Instagram bio so you can make a lasting impression:

What Is an Instagram Bio?

Geographically, an Instagram bio sits beneath your profile picture and is used to describe the contents of your page.

This space includes:

  • A display name (aka the name field)
  • Page categor
  • Pronouns
  • 150 character description
  • One external link
  • Contact information

And because your bio is often the first touch point for new visitors, it’s the perfect opportunity to communicate who you are, and what you offer, straight from the jump (more on that below!).

Pssst, level-up your Instagram bio with Linkin bio by Later — a mini web page built into your profile that makes your content more clickable. Sign up today — for free!

What Makes a Good Instagram Bio?

A good Instagram bio can mean the difference between a visitor hitting follow, or tapping away.

And with only 150 characters to set the stage, the greats keep their bios short, sweet, and most importantly, informative.

Check out how the Black in Fashion Council account communicates what they’re all about in one concise sentence:

You can also use your bio to encourage users to take action — whether it’s through a compelling CTA (call-to-action) to your website or a branded hashtag for collecting UGC (user-generated content).

For example, see how Book of the Month implores users to join their branded hashtag — resulting in over 500K posts:

Suffice it to say, action + your brand’s story = an increase in engagement and conversions, too.

For even more insight on what makes a good Instagram bio, check out this YouTube video.

8 Instagram Bio Ideas

Ready to learn what it takes to create a killer Instagram bio? Here are eight tactics to stand out from the crowd:

  1. Share Your Story
  2. Include Targeted Keywords in the Name Field
  3. Use a Link in Bio Tool
  4. Add a Call-To-Action and Action Buttons
  5. Share Your Contact Information
  6. Choose a Relevant Profile Picture
  7. Tag Related Accounts and Add Your Branded Hashtag
  8. Use Instagram Stories Highlights

Instagram Bio Idea #1: Share Your Story

Like Charles Wright once sang, express yourself!

Think of your Instagram bio as a 150-character sales pitch.

Whether it’s a bulleted list or a few short lines, use this space to speak directly to your target audience and detail your story.

That way, new visitors and prospective customers will understand you or your brand, immediately.

Take a look at how Sarah Chetrit introduces herself, and what her page offers in three succinct lines:

By laying down the groundwork and communicating her value, this fine-tuned bio has the power to turn visitors into followers.

P. S. Don’t be afraid to add a bit of personality to the mix. Emojis and relevant puns are highly encouraged here.

Need help writing your Instagram bio? Download our free Instagram bio worksheet to brainstorm and create an effective bio.

Instagram Bio Idea #2: Use Targeted Keywords in the Name Field

Did you know that the name field in your Instagram bio is completely separate from your username?

It’s a valuable (and rarely used!) SEO tactic to reach even more users as they search — improving your visibility on the app.

So, take a moment to brainstorm keywords your ideal customer might search for on Instagram. This could be your niche, the products you sell, or the city your business is located.

Once you find the right keywords, pop them in!

For example, check out how content creator Lauren Toyota uses the name field to reveal more about her page:

