Andrea Mantovani
13 min readMar 31, 2022
Source: State Council of China

Few years ago, China launched an ambitious plan to become one of the leading global superpowers in technologies by 2049. The leader of the Party and China, Xi Jinping himself, has made the “Made in China 2025” (MIC25) strategy his flagship project, which explains how crucial this plan is to China’s future development. The strategy defines ten key sectors, including robotics, alternative energy plants, biopharmaceuticals and next-generation IT, areas in which China wants to achieve major breakthroughs and develop globally competitive companies.

Source: State Council of China, MERICS

Backed by industrial policy, massive funding, and subsidies of hundreds of billions, both state-owned and private companies aim to build the technological foundation of the “China Dream,” a revitalization of the nation that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has vigorously promoted under Xi’s leadership ahead of two major centenaries. For the party’s 100th anniversary in 2021, China aims to become a moderately prosperous nation, while for the 100th anniversary of the birth of the People’s Republic of China in 2049, it aspires to become a superpower in “global manufacturing,” “cyberspace,” and “scientific and technological innovation.”



Andrea Mantovani

An optimist by nature | Curious & Fascinated by Human Beings | Passionate about healthcare & Innovation | Wine Lover and Traveller