The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Andrea Mantovani
8 min readNov 15, 2022
Stephen R. Covey

Stephen R. Covey published this book back in the year 1989 as a self-improvement book. It is entirely based on the idea that what we see & feel about the world is based on our own insights/ perceptions. If you need to change the current situation, you can easily do it by bringing the change in our own selves. Bringing change in ourselves is changing our own perceptions alongside the maturity line: from dependence to independence and finally to inter-dependence.

The basic purpose of the book is to let people know how they can be more effective & happier in their lives. And to me it is still an excellent navigator for everyone’s life.

To provide a framework for the 7 Habits, Covey introduces first three Habits that constitute what he refers to as the Private Victory: Before you can effectively manage and work with others, you must first learn to effectively manage yourself. This is the natural result of learning to integrate Habits 1 through 3 into your life.

Having achieved the Private Victory, you now have the foundation to move on to the more difficult Public Victory. The public victory happens when you learn to integrate Habits 4 through 6 into your life



Andrea Mantovani

An optimist by nature | Curious & Fascinated by Human Beings | Passionate about healthcare & Innovation | Wine Lover and Traveller