Create YOUR life

Andrea Martínez Gordo
4 min readMar 20, 2018

There is an unmeasurable amount of recipes to be “on top of the world”.

Which shows you one of my biggest lessons learned so far: there is no unique path to get where you want.

You can feel inspired by other individual’s journey but it will never be the same if you walk his or her steps.

design for YOURSELF

Don’t take anything you read as a dogma. In order to create your own world, you need to let your vision fuel it.

To which I want to reinforce the importance of YOU, in YOUR process to achieve anything in life:

Trust yourself

You know what you are doing even if you are not able to express it.

Mistakes happen along the way, or how I like to call them misaligned decisions. So what?

Have you hurt yourself by doing so?

a) Yes. Don’t attempt to do it again, you just learned how bad it can make you feel.

b) No. You had to experience it, let it redirect you to your real purpose.

Have you hurt others?

a) Yes. Forget about it, you need to build relationships, not destroy them.

b) No. Sometimes the adrenaline of falling can push you forwards.



Andrea Martínez Gordo

Curious and creative 20-something human, dedicated to inspire people to become their true self by unlocking their creative confidence.