How to change the world with your happiness?

Andrea Martínez Gordo
4 min readMar 6, 2018

We have a tendency of putting ourselves in not the second but the last position within our priorities. We cultivate so many things for others and we forget how much we need ourselves.

We are afraid of giving the best for us. We are terrified of confronting our real needs and prefer to stay still rather than seek the solution.

Grand Visage (Masque) — Henri Matisse

We are the start of all our actions. Our ambitions, if fulfilled they will create better things in every single aspect of our lives. If you find the stability to choose happiness as an emotional base that can become greater in certain situations but remain at its basic level when things get hard. We will be able to then satisfy the rest of the world and contribute.

Our bad choices come from insecurities, from unsolved dilemmas within our souls. Our bitterness is fuelled by our fears. Our judges come from discomfort with our own actions.

If we are so focused on interacting with the world. Which means, being with family, having a job, attending university, having a drink with a friend or going on a date. Any situation that involves social interactions happen to be the ones that define our schedule. We then measure ourselves as a consequence of those shared moments. We feel happy if we feel we fit in, we feel sad if we experience rejection.



Andrea Martínez Gordo

Curious and creative 20-something human, dedicated to inspire people to become their true self by unlocking their creative confidence.