Why we need to confront discomfort

Andrea Martínez Gordo
4 min readMar 13, 2018

The term discomfort can be defined as a “slight pain”. Because the truth is, it hurts not being in tune with our reality.

I’d like to call it the art of wanting more for the purpose of this reflection. To me, it does have a strong intrinsic negative influence. It suggests to our focus to rely on the future, rather than in the present moment.

Instead, I want to start wanting what I have. To love my reality, that previously I wished as hard as I am wishing the next step to come.

There is a light even at night

Disclaimer: Our uniqueness has a “downside”: advice should never be generalised or generated from personal experiences. Although the solid base of every best wish might have a common ground, we do not interpret nor therefore act as the rest of humans. Our performance in life happens to be unique due to our internal processes (how we deal with ourselves in our mind) and the circumstances. I personally don’t believe in fatalism but where we landed in life does influence us. Nevertheless, it shouldn’t stop us.

I don’t want to come up with a How-To list to beat discomfort. However, I am going to assume that if you are reading this is because you relate to this feeling. I want to discuss why it appears to us and why we should overcome it.



Andrea Martínez Gordo

Curious and creative 20-something human, dedicated to inspire people to become their true self by unlocking their creative confidence.