12 Unexpected Things I’ve Learned from Interracial Couples’ Struggles

Andreana Elchino
2 min readApr 20, 2018


Click Here to Learn What Interracial Couples’ Struggles Are

All couples experience struggles in their relationship from time to time. It doesn’t matter if you’re part of the LGBTQ+ community, got married young, believe in abstinence until marriage, or have a “picture perfect” relationship, you can understand that all relationships need to be filled with love and respect in order to last.

Even though it’s 2018 and people have made significant steps toward accepting relationships of all kinds, interracial couples still experience struggles that outsiders can’t relate to. The people who’ve been there will tell you there can definitely be struggles. In a recent Ask Reddit thread, interracial couples laid out the real obstacles they encounter daily that they weren’t expecting before they got together.

We’ve talked to an expert and college students who’ve been in interracial relationships to explain a few of these struggles as well as ways to deal with them.

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