Andrea Yriberry Saavedra
5 min readNov 27, 2015

The Singularity.

It’s been a little more than two months since Singularity and everyday I get to understand this summer in diferente way. This summer has completely changed my perception of the future, particularly the role technology is having on changing the world. I will always carry a little piece of this summer in every step going forward so this series will be always open for new stories to share.

But for now this is my last piece.

Singularity. For a while since application I watched, read and even bought “Singularity is near” book by Ray (didn’t finish it) hoping this will give me at least a base line for what this Singularity thing actually meant. For my surprise day one, Peter’s talk he says “Singularity University is not about Singularity and is not really a University.”

The first thing that appears on Google when you search Singularity is actually related to Ray and his book, a theory thesis of the future of human intelligence. This is what Peter meant, even do this were topics we touch during the summer, this was definitely not the Singularity I discover.

Let me try to go back to basics and understand the word meaning first;

noun: singularity
1.the state, fact, quality, or condition of being singular.
2. a point at which a function takes an infinite value

“Being singular.” “An infinite value.”

For this particular case, I will narrow it to understand Singularity as, “The representation of different variables that end up playing as one”. Moving around the summer, some paths came very clear to understand. The future as we know it is going to change. It is going to be way faster, why? I believe is because the integration of this 3 variables; Humans, Impact and Technology.


Humans. Current World Population 7,383,690,303 (and growing). Get prepared as we are going to be part of the cast that will change the world. As the world moves forward, yes technology will evolve to do task humans used to do. But haven we heard that before. Today almost all the works created on the industrial revolution are no longer human tasks. As the world moves, humans skills, capacities and works evolve. So how would this new works look like? Creativity, imagination, dreams, and passion. Tools and timing will be there, now humans, what do we do with it. Thats our work to do.

As my dear friend Natasha Tsakos says, “I believe the second chapter of this century will be led by the the artists. The creatives. The non conformists. The marginalized. The artful entrepreneurs. Those who can re-imagine the world over and over again, those who can breathe life and humanize technology, invent new vocabularies, extrapolate solutions in original ways.”

We need humans unique creativity to change the world.


“Abundance is our future.” says Peter Diamandis on his Ted Talk. Abundance is here, and is not a matter of money, is a matter of potencial. As Paul Saffo used to said to us, time matters. It really does. The best part is we are in incredible potential times. Times when we have more access to information like never before. Times when we are going to connect three billion new minds, new voices and creativity to the world. Times when technology is moving faster than predictions and laws. Times when we passion drives people to become how they want to be. But most important, times when social good is becoming a habit for humanity.

I found a perfect example of this particular time and social impact knowledge on youth understanding of the world. The anual survey made by the World Economic Forum risk analysis is send also to their youngest community the Global Shapers. In this survey shapers from 125 countries participated and for them the top issue affecting the world today is, not government or politics but, Social & Economic Inequality (56%), and 65% of them believe they have the opportunity to make a difference in society/ my city/country. That awareness about the world around them and the understanding that one can do something about it, is what I think will create the greatest opportunity of impact ever seen before.

We are now more empower than ever.


Last but not least, lets talk about technology. Not only because it is awesome but because tech will change the world on a speed we haven’t seen before. I am very new in this topic, put I have come to realize this is no longer just a topic some people should know. Technology is a elemental tool everyone should have, to connect, to move, to create, to grow, to contribute. I have come to believe that only with technology we will unable to move on the speed we need to. Actual systems are limited, and soon they will reach a typing point. Technology will bring new perspectives to solve problems as we use them the right way.

Sometimes we don’t realize basic technologies like simple internet access, gives people powers never seen before. Powers to access information, access to communicating, access to the digital world. On this days a Latin american farmer with internet access has has better mobile comm than any President did 25 years ago. This is power technology is opening to us. How are we going to use it?

We need to move at exponential rates, and technology is the only way to do it.

As we move forward, I hope, this variables will come more and more dependent one from other, until the day, they play as a singular value. The day every move technology does will bring a piece of humans creativity and a bast of abundance for the world.

Can you imagine a world with this singularity?

If you do, I would encourage you to apply to Singularity University, Global Solutions Problems program that aims to find and empower people that actually believes in this singularity, and that would create innovative solutions to billion people problems using exponencial technologies as the tool.

