Andre BredenkampinGlobal IntersectionEHR and Portals, what might the future offer?WIFM — What’s in it for me?Sep 22, 20161Sep 22, 20161
Andre BredenkampinGlobal IntersectionNational EHR — Can we learn from Shared Record Initiatives implemented around the World?Legislation, benefits, access and semantic interoperabilitySep 12, 20161Sep 12, 20161
Andre BredenkampinGlobal IntersectionWho does, and who should, access Your Electronic Health Record“,”0!��W2�Aug 14, 20161Aug 14, 20161
Andre BredenkampinGlobal IntersectionYour Electronic Health RecordSharing, Access, Ownership, CustodianshipJul 31, 2016Jul 31, 2016