The Role of Metadata in a Content Strategy

Along with structure, it enables marketing content to scale up

Andreea Macoveiciuc
School of Content


Photo by Zoya Konstantinova on Unsplash

Does your company also have a love-hate relationship with its web content?

I see this so often! When social media and SEO don’t pay off, marketing managers suddenly turn their eyes towards content. Because the profit of their paid ads reaches a plateau and SEO takes too long to produce results, they decide to give content a chance.

The way they approach it, though, it’s a clear indicator that their content efforts will soon fail too.

Without strategy, content eventually fails

Typically, when the marketing manager decides that the company needs content marketing, that means a blog. This happens almost overnight and there’s no strategy in place.

Someone in the marketing department starts creating content — a content writer, copywriter, or whoever has some time.

If there’s an SEO specialist around, a keyword list is made and all the content created from that moment on serves one of two purposes: to generate traffic or to raise awareness.

Content starts piling up and there’s no direction. This is the first predictor of…



Andreea Macoveiciuc
School of Content

I bring clarity to content chaos and help SaaS companies scale their marketing by aligning their strategy to business goals.