2 min readMar 24, 2024


Understanding Your Energy: Checking Chakras with a Pendulum

Photo by petr sidorov on Unsplash

Chakras, according to Ayurvedic tradition are energy centers in our body that correspond to different aspects of our well-being. When these chakras are balanced and open our energy flows freely, leading to feelings of vitality and overall health. However, blockages in these chakras can disrupt our energy flow and contribute to physical and emotional imbalances.

A pendulum can be a helpful tool for checking the state of your chakras. It acts as a biofeedback device, responding to subtle shifts in your energy field. Here's a guide to using a pendulum for chakra assessment:


  1. Choose your pendulum:Select a pendulum that resonates with you. Crystal pendulums are popular with different crystals believed to enhance specific energetic qualities.
  2. Cleanse your pendulum: Before using it, cleanse your pendulum with smoke (incense) or moonlight to clear any residual energies.
  3. Ground yourself:Find a quiet space and take a few minutes to relax and center yourself. Deep breathing exercises can be helpful.

Checking Your Chakras:

  • Chart your findings:It’s helpful to have a chart with the seven chakras listed and space to record the pendulum’s movement at each point.
  • Start at the Root…

