I Lost My Best Friend

4 min readMay 2, 2024


Memories about my childhood Part 1

Photo by Johnny Cohen on Unsplash

Hi, guys! I come after 3 or 4 days of not posting, because to be honest, I didn`t know what topics to aproach. I don`t want to do statistics or analyzing anymore, even if it was quite fun to find out new things about food and share opinions with you guys.

There are 2 people that have a special place in my heart and I always thought that their memory will have a tied spot in my brain forever, but how can I keep them here forevere if I don`t speak up about them?

They deserve my words the most. They thought me what LOVE means, how it feels to be protected and cuddled, how to play and laugh, how to respect and forgive. In this article, I`ll talk about my grandpa.

When I think about childhood, something breaks in me a little because I know I will never be that little girl again and most importantly, I will never play with you again. I will never hold you again even if now I would`ve done hug you completly because my arms would`ve been able now to to surround your whole waist, my face wouldn`t meet this time your big belly, but your shoulder maybe.

Look, Grampa, I grew up!

It was so weird for me to grew up without you. I remember, sunny days when we went to a rock that was near a Church from my childhood neighbourhood and we usually played something mixed between ``Hide and seek`` and ``Leapfrog`` around that rock. I could`ve stayed there hours and hours and won`t get tired of me hiding and you finding me, even if a game never lasted more than 3 minutes.

You were my best friend until I made 9 years and you suddenly dissapeared. It was so had to lose my best friend as such a young age. I remember that I didn`t liked any other kid from primary school and didn`t even want to spent time with them playing or doing something that could`ve been enjoyfull for a child, because my soul was tied to my grandparents house. I didn`t had the most expensive or beautiful toys, but still I am pretty sure that the most precious moments had happen there.

The flames took you away. It was a cold day on 1st March 2011 or 2012(I am not really sure I was a kid — 8 years old), when my grandparents house set on fire while my grandma was at her job and my grandpa was still in the house. He retired 2 years before this happend and he was very happy. He had some health problems at that time but none of them would`ve stopped him to see me graduate highschool or when I turned the adult age or when I entered the University. He would`ve been so happy for me. I don`t have a crowd in front of me to search his face in, but whenever I did a big thing for myself that really made me think that I was a star for a moment, I always thought that I wanted to be your star. You were my bigger fan and you really saw my potential since I was little. Whenever I did a bad thing that usually upsets everyone, I always thought that someone watches me and except me to win, so let`s win for him. Let`s go forward for him.

I won`t find another you.

Is a rainy day today, are you upset?

When will we meet you`ll still be 50 and I will be 8?

Will we ever play again guided by that rock?

When was the last time we were there?

I know you know, but I forget.

We will do it again someday and that`s why I can`t remember.

I hope when I die, even if is over 50 years from now or whatever, when I`ll go to judge day or before, to hear a voice that tells me someone was waiting for me. And I`ll meet you there, I`ll see the rock, I`ll see you. You`ll smile and I will laugh. I will run near you and you`ll open your arms. I`ll meet you there.

I will be a little girl again someday because we stopped playing too soon and the whole you left in my heart was never covered. I`ll never cover it.

I lost my best friend. I lost my Grandpa. I lost you.

Are you still proud of me?

I hope this sensible, short-story got in your feeling a bit, I`ll make a part 2 about my grandmother that still lives, thanks to God. If the series about my grandparents will gain at least 10 fans, I`ll continue it.

Thank you for your support!




Hi! My name is Andreea and I am 22 years old. I am from a small town from Romania but I have big dreams. I study Letters and I love to write. Follow my journey