Top 5 Most Expensive Baklava in the World

4 min readApr 17, 2024
Photo by Syed F Hashemi on Unsplash

Let`s talk today in order to continue the series about food about a dessert which originally comes from Turky.

When I was in elementary school I used to go buy a shaworma after school if I had money from an arabic restaurant that opened that year in my town. The shaworma boy was so nice that he gave 2 or 3 times baklava free for talking nice to him as well. Little gestures means the world sometimes. That was the first time I ever ate one, from the restaurant and I want to say that it felt like the best thing in the world, is so sweet and tasty.

Let`s go only forward and I`ll tell you about top 5 most expensive baklava.

Baklava, the flaky pastry layered with nuts and drenched in syrup, is a beloved dessert across the Middle East and beyond. But not all baklava is created equal. Some take the indulgence factor to a whole new level, incorporating rare ingredients and extravagant presentation, making them truly fit for royalty. Here’s a peek into the world’s most expensive baklava:

  1. Gaziantep Baklava (Turkey)
photo source: TripAdvisor

This baklava hails from Gaziantep, a city in Turkey renowned for its baklava-making tradition. Made with pistachios from Gaziantep (considered some of the world’s finest), this baklava is meticulously crafted with thin phyllo dough and layered generously with the nuts. The price can reach up to $1,000 per kilogram due to the premium ingredients and labor involved.

2. D鑲金薄餅 (Dhuang Jin Bao Bing — China)(up to 700$ per kilogram)

photo source: Google

This luxurious Chinese dessert takes inspiration from baklava but adds a unique twist. Instead of nuts, it’s filled with edible gold flakes! The paper-thin pastry is layered with caramelized maltose syrup and studded with these flakes, creating a baklava variation that’s as opulent as it is delicious. Prices can vary depending on the amount of gold used, but it can easily reach several hundred dollars per serving.

3. Baklava with Almonds and Karaköy Figs (Turkey)

photo source: TryAladdin

This baklava combines the classic flavors with a touch of Turkish flair. Using the finest quality almonds and rare Karaköy figs, this dessert boasts a unique taste profile. The figs, known for their intense sweetness and plump texture, add another layer of luxury to the baklava. Expect to pay upwards of $500 per kilogram for this decadent indulgence.

4. Pistachio Baklava from Epiros (Greece)

photo source: Google

Greece has its own take on baklava, and this version from the Epirus region is particularly noteworthy. Made with pistachios sourced from local groves, this baklava is known for its distinct flavor and aroma. The pistachios are hand-chopped and roasted to perfection before being incorporated into the pastry, resulting in a truly special baklava experience. Prices can range from $300 to $500 per kilogram.

5. Baklava with Saffron (Iran)

photo source: Quora

Saffron, the world’s most expensive spice, adds a touch of extravagance to this Iranian baklava. The delicate threads of saffron infuse the syrup with a subtle floral aroma and a vibrant color, making this baklava a feast for the eyes and the palate. Due to the inclusion of saffron, the price can reach up to $200 per kilogram.

These are just a few examples of the most expensive baklava in the world. Whether you prefer the classic pistachio-filled version or are intrigued by the more unique variations, there’s a baklava out there to satisfy your cravings (and maybe even empty your wallet). So, the next time you have a sweet tooth, consider indulging in a piece of this luxurious dessert!




Hi! My name is Andreea and I am 22 years old. I am from a small town from Romania but I have big dreams. I study Letters and I love to write. Follow my journey