FoodTech Fridays — Edition#80

Andrea Pillai
3 min readMar 1, 2024

Bite into Sustainability: The Rise of Edible Packaging Solutions

Edible packaging emerges as a revolutionary solution to combat plastic waste, offering a sustainable, biodegradable alternative that reduces environmental impact while enhancing the consumer experience with innovative, flavorful options.

Edible packaging represents a groundbreaking shift towards sustainability in the food industry, addressing the urgent need to reduce single-use plastics and their environmental toll.

Crafted from natural, biodegradable materials, this innovative packaging solution not only promises to cut down waste but also offers a unique, edible alternative that complements the food it encases.

Integrating the packaging into the dining experience opens up new avenues for creativity in food presentation, enhances food safety, and underscores the growing consumer demand for eco-friendly, zero-waste products.

Materials used for Edible Packaging

  • Seaweed and Algae: Offering a taste-neutral base, these materials are water-soluble and rich in nutrients, suitable for wrapping and containers.
  • Plant Starches: Derived from corn, potatoes, or tapioca, they’re used to create films and coatings that are biodegradable and can serve as a barrier to oxygen and oil.
  • Protein Films: Made from milk protein (casein) or gelatin, providing strength and flexibility, and can be used for wraps or pouches.
  • Fruit and Vegetable Purees: Utilised for edible films and wraps, these materials can add flavour and are fully biodegradable.
  • Beeswax: Used to coat or wrap foods, offering a natural, breathable layer that is antibacterial and water-resistant.

But is the Edible Packaging hygienic for consumption after having gone through the Supply Chain?

Edible packaging, designed for safe consumption even after navigating the supply chain, is crafted from food-grade materials adhering to stringent hygiene standards. This packaging often incorporates a non-edible, biodegradable outer layer for added protection during transit, striking a balance between safety and sustainability. This innovative approach significantly reduces packaging waste, aligning with environmental goals without compromising product integrity or consumer health.

Benefits of Edible Packaging

  • Waste Reduction: Significantly cuts down on packaging waste, addressing the global plastic pollution crisis.
  • Sustainability: Made from natural, often renewable resources, contributing to a reduced carbon footprint.
  • Innovation in Food Experience: Enhances consumer interaction with products through novel eating experiences.
  • Resource Efficiency: Reduces the need for traditional packaging materials, promoting a circular economy.
  • Food Preservation: Certain materials can extend shelf life by providing a natural barrier to oxygen and moisture.

Future of Edible Packaging

The future of edible packaging involves integrating antimicrobial technology to enhance food safety, aligning with intelligent packaging that can communicate freshness and other information. It also includes focusing on consumer-friendly designs that perfectly match product size and use. Further developments in the science behind edible packaging will strengthen the value chain, improving relationships between producers, suppliers, and consumers. Lastly, international consortiums and initiatives will play a crucial role in standardising practices and promoting global adoption, ensuring the widespread use and acceptance of edible packaging solutions across industries.

Quote of the Week:

“At the end of the day, customer-centric fin-tech solutions are going to win.”

– Giles Sutherland



Andrea Pillai

Founder @ Aider Ventures | FoodTech | MedTech | FinTech | Tech x Non-Tech