Staying Human in the Digital Era (A Series of Fortunate Tips for Shaping the Next Generation)

Andreea Serb
The Startup
Published in
17 min readMar 27, 2019


Image Credit: Rawpixel

World Wide Webers, it’s 2019 and the talk of town are topics that so many of us interact with every day: conversational marketing, behavioural science, machine learning, process automation, productivity tools, chatbots, algorithms, artificial intelligence, big data, deep learning, accelerating digital transformation, and so much more.

At the same time, we are woken up by the promise of expanded time every day — kick off your day at 5 am with a workout and a meditation session they say — and aim to maximize your day as much as possible.

There is the ongoing idea that we can (and should) correct and edit our lives by optimizing our schedules through strategies like positive psychology, building healthier habits, ramping up our skills to gain competitive advantage…only to become better equipped to perform more, to be more productive, and essentially, a better version of who we are.

Between the regular dose of self-help cliches and strong coffee cups that keep us going throughout the workday, there is something almost paradoxical about our everyday existence.

As workers in a tech-dominated world, our days almost look like a seesaw, pushing us back and forth between the idea of automating our time and work (to make…



Andreea Serb
The Startup

Brand Marketing Team Lead | Relentless Learner | Turning knowledge into authentic content 💡