Festivus — A fresh take on a holiday for the rest of us

Andre F
3 min readNov 20, 2023
Remember the line from “Seinfeld,” “Festivus for the rest of us”? It’s a hilarious poke at the craziness of holiday shopping and all that stress. Instead of a fancy tree or menorah, there’s just this plain aluminum pole — a symbol of pushing back against all that commercial hype. It’s happening on December 23rd, right before the usual holiday chaos hits its peak. Festivus is like this cool, offbeat tradition that’s carved its niche in our modern culture, complete with its own unique customs.


In today’s world, where everything’s about looking perfect on social media and spending like crazy at year’s end, Festivus gets a whole new vibe. That aluminum pole? It’s not just funny — it’s a call to cut the clutter in our lives and our heads. It’s getting more popular because it reminds us to find joy in the simple things, to laugh at the forced holiday cheer, and maybe find a more real sense of community.

The Airing of Grievances

Then there’s the “Airing of Grievances.” It’s a classic Festivus thing where you get to vent about all the little annoyances from the past year. Nowadays, it could be a chance to take a break from online drama — maybe through a funny group chat or a tweet thread where we can all let off steam, but in a fun way. It’s about sharing those little frustrations that are part of being human.

Feats of Strength

And don’t forget the “Feats of Strength.” Originally, it was about wrestling the head of the household, but now it’s more about having fun together — like an arm-wrestling match, a dance-off, or a video game challenge. It’s not about who’s the strongest; it’s about connecting and having a good laugh, away from just sitting around watching TV or scrolling through our phones.

What I love about Festivus is that it doesn’t take itself too seriously. It’s a refreshing change in a season that can sometimes feel too perfect and staged. Sharing a pic of your Festivus pole or a funny grievance online can be just as heartwarming and way more fun.

Festivus is all about being yourself and valuing authenticity. It reminds us that the real holiday spirit comes from genuine connections, not from all the stuff we buy. It’s perfect for those who feel a bit out of place with traditional celebrations.

So, whether you’re setting up an aluminum pole, joining in from afar, or just enjoying the idea of Festivus, remember this: it’s about making the holiday season your own, keeping it simple, and enjoying a break from all the fuss. It’s a time to embrace satire and togetherness, even in the coldest part of the year.

Festivus in the Frontline: A Breath of Fresh Air for ED Healthcare Workers.

Amid the high-stress environment of emergency healthcare, the principles of Festivus offer a unique way to bring some lightheartedness and connection to frontline ED workers. The simplicity symbolized by the Festivus aluminum pole resonates deeply in this context, reminding us of the need to strip away the complexities and focus on what truly matters — patient care and team support. Going forward, I hope we can try to act on the Festivus themes.

The “Airing of Grievances” could be a therapeutic outlet for healthcare professionals. A scheduled, light-hearted session where staff can voice out the small, day-to-day frustrations in a safe, humorous setting, providing a much-needed emotional release from the intense pressures they face.

The “Feats of Strength” can be reinterpreted as team-building activities, fostering camaraderie and morale. WE ARE REALLY GOOD AT THIS. Imagine, if we got EVEN BETTER? This could be as simple as a group fitness challenge or a teamwork-based game, emphasizing the strength found in unity and mutual support, essential in the high-pressure ED environment.

Happy Festivus.

Dr. Andre F



Andre F

Board-Certified EM Physician. Exploring AI in healthcare, chasing adventure, and questioning norms. Here to share insights and spark meaningful convos. 🚑🤖