Stop calling people resources!

2 min readJul 21, 2023


Have you ever stopped to think that calling a person a “resource” dehumanizes a complex human being, with emotions, passions, and skills? I believe that language can and must transform reality. The respect for our colleagues begins when we recognize the humanity of each one.

The term “Human Resources” came about when companies realized the need to manage their “resources” — including people — in a more efficient way. Efficiency is indeed very necessary, but people are not simple resources, they are protagonists capable of innovation, creativity, and transformation. 🏢

For decades, companies use the word “resources” to refer to people, either because of the HR area (human resources) or even because of the project management area, where “resources” are allocated. But it’s not just because it’s always been like this, and because many people are already used to it, that it has to continue this way. It’s time to evolve and change this once and for all! 🔄

You can use “resource” to refer to tangible and measurable things like money, machines, equipment, electricity, water, gas, materials. Now, the next time you are going to refer to your team, eliminate the word “resource”. Say “colleague”, “talent”, “associate” or simply “person”. This simple change can have a significant impact on how you and your colleagues perceive themselves at work.

If you work in an HR area, don’t get me wrong, your work is essential and very important for an organization to function well, my point is purely semantic. I’m not questioning the importance and relevance of the work being done! By the way, I know it’s more complex than using different names and has to do with the scope of the area and concept, but I see many companies talking about a People Department, or OHD (Human and Organizational Development) area instead of HR. 📌

It’s part of a leader’s role to understand the aspirations, motivations, and skills of each member of their team, and not just manage their time and productivity. As Fred Allen said,” Treat your employees like partners and they will act like partners.” 💪

Let’s awaken the possibilities within each human being and create an environment that inspires instead of robotizing. Focus on people, not resources. This is the future of work! 🗣️

So, are you ready for this change of mindset? Comment below, I want to hear your ideas!

#HR #Respect #FutureOfWork #Leadership




CEO at Bluesoft. I'm passionate about startups, SaaS, innovation, cloud, technology, agile and management 3.0.