Apple iPhone Home Screens Might See Some Major Changes Soon

Andre Braddox
2 min readMay 29, 2024


iPhone 15 home screen image
iPhone 15 photo from Youtube screenshot

Ok, so we know you guys have gotten really used to the way the your iPhone home screens look and function since they have pretty much had the same layout since iPhones first hit the market way, way back in 2007, but from what I’ve been hearing, it may be time to get unused to that.

A new report from the folks over at is telling us that Apple might deliver some extra goodies other than artificial intelligence announcements at their upcoming Worldwide Developers Conference, which is scheduled to take place on June 10, 2024. If their news is true, these extra goodies will have something to do with their iOS 18 operating system. To be more exact, we’re being told that it might actually let users customize their own home screens.

Some of the customizations that have been described to us is that users will be allowed to change the color of app icons and arrange them however they feel like arranging them as opposed to being stuck to the usual grid pattern that Apple has been using.

We’re also hearing that users might be allowed to color code their home screens instead of sorting their apps in folders with this new iOS 18 update. An example of this is that users would be able to make all of their social icons red, and the entertainment ones blue or some other color that pops into their head.

As for the AI stuff, we’re being told that Apple might be pairing generative AI with its emojis that have become pretty iconic. What this means is that it would allow users to actually generate a custom emoji right on the spot, giving users a specific emoji for any occasion well beyond the existing catalog of emojis that exist on the iPhone.

Again, all of these wonderful new developments are expected to be announced at the WWDC (Worldwide Developers Conference) on June 10, 2024. Dan Ives who is the managing director for Wedbush Securities is calling this WWDC event one of the most anticipated events that has happened in a decade. So, it sounds like it will definitely be a very big deal.

How do you guys feel about possibly being able to finally customize your iPhone home screens? Let me know in the comments section.



Andre Braddox

Owner and editor of an entertainment news website. Part time stock trader. Tech enthusiast. Tennis player.