Functional Flexibility with PHP Callbacks

Andrei Birta
2 min readJan 29, 2023


A callback function in PHP is a function that is passed as an argument to another function. The function that receives the callback will then execute it at some point. This allows for a high degree of flexibility and modularity in code, as the same callback can be passed to multiple functions, or a single function can accept multiple callbacks.

In PHP, callback functions can be passed in a few different ways. The simplest is by passing the name of the function as a string.

For example:

function myCallback() {
echo "This is my callback function";

function executeCallback($callback) {


In this example, the executeCallback function takes a single argument, which is the name of the callback function, and then executes it.

The callback function can also be passed as an anonymous function, which is also known as closure in PHP. Anonymous functions can be defined using the function keyword, followed by a set of parentheses, and a pair of curly braces:

function executeCallback($callback) {

executeCallback(function () {
echo "This is my anonymous callback function";

Another way to pass a callback function is by passing an array which contains an object and the name of the method.

class MyClass {
public function myMethod() {
echo "This is my method callback function";

function executeCallback($callback) {

$obj = new MyClass();
executeCallback(array($obj, "myMethod"));

Callback functions are commonly used in PHP for tasks such as filtering arrays, sorting data, and handling events. For example, the array_filter function allows you to filter the elements of an array using a callback function. The usort function allows you to sort an array based on the return value of a callback function.

Callback functions are also used in Object-oriented programming(OOP) to define the behavior of objects at certain points. These points are called hooks and the functions that are called are called the hooks function. For example, the add_action and add_filter functions in WordPress allow you to define the behavior of the website at certain points, such as when a post is saved or when a comment is added.

Callback functions are a powerful feature in PHP, providing a means to create modular, reusable code, and allowing for a high degree of flexibility in how functions are executed. They are widely used in PHP, particularly in OOP and functional programming and are an essential tool for any PHP developer to understand.

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