PHP and Threads

Andrei Birta
2 min readDec 31, 2022



PHP does not have native support for threads. However, you can use external libraries such as pthreads to create multi-threaded PHP applications.

The pthreads expansion allows you to create multi-threaded PHP applications using the POSIX threads API in PHP. It gives you the possibility to create threads, and perform parallel processing in your PHP scripts.

To use the pthreads extension, you will need to install it first. You can do this by downloading the source code and compiling it, or by using a pre-compiled binary package. Once you have installed the extension, you can enable it in your PHP configuration by adding the following line to your php.ini file:

After enabling the pthreads extension, you can use it to make threads in your PHP scripts. The following is an example of the creation of a new thread:


class MyThread extends Thread {
public function run() {
// Code to be executed in the new thread

$thread = new MyThread();

Alternatively, you can use the Thread::wait()method to block the current thread until the new thread is completed.

In addition, multi-threading can be difficult to implement and debug, and this is not always the best solution for every problem. You should carefully consider whether multithreading is the right approach for your particular use case before using it in your application.

To create a new thread, you need to define a class that extends the Thread class and overrides the run() method. The run() method contains the code that will be executed in the new thread. You can then create an instance of your thread class and call the start() method to create a new thread and execute the code in the run() method.

It is important to be cautious when using threads in PHP, because there are many potential pitfalls. For example, you should avoid race conditions when accessing shared variables, and you should ensure that your threads are properly synchronized. Additionally, you should be aware that PHP has a global interpreter lock (GIL) that limits the ability of PHP scripts to execute concurrently. This means that while pthreads can be used to create multiple threads, they may not always run in parallel and may not provide the performance benefits you expect.

It’s important to note that pthreads is an experimental extension and is not supported by all PHP installations. Additionally, multi-threading can be difficult to implement and debug, and it is not always the best solution for all problems. You should carefully consider whether multi-threading is the right approach for your specific use case before using it in your application.

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