The Rich and Controversial History of Rum: From Slavery to Modern Day!?

Andrei Corbu
6 min readApr 4, 2023

Rum is a type of distilled alcoholic beverage made from sugarcane juice or molasses. This versatile spirit has been enjoyed for centuries, and has played a prominent role in the history of the Caribbean, where it is commonly produced. Rum is a staple ingredient in many classic cocktails and is also enjoyed neat or on the rocks.

History of Rum

The history of rum dates back several centuries and is deeply intertwined with the history of sugarcane and the slave trade. Rum is believed to have originated in the Caribbean in the 17th century, where sugarcane was widely grown and processed into molasses, a byproduct of sugar production. The molasses was fermented and distilled into a potent alcoholic beverage that came to be known as rum.

The first record of rum production dates back to the early 1600s, when it was made on the island of Barbados. It quickly became a popular drink among sailors, who would often receive a daily ration of rum as part of their wages. The British Royal Navy adopted the practice of daily rum rations in 1655, which continued until 1970, when it was finally abolished.

As the demand for sugarcane and rum grew, the slave trade also grew, with millions of Africans forcibly brought to the Caribbean to work on sugarcane plantations…



Andrei Corbu

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