Adding state management with Redux in a CRA + SSR project

Or how to initialize your Redux store on the server, then pick it up and hydrate it on the client.

Andrei Duca
7 min readJan 28, 2018


This is part 2 of my CRA+SSR series:

  1. Upgrading a create-react-app project to SSR + code splitting
  2. Adding state management with Redux in a CRA + SSR project

I personally like Redux because it uses a single object to represent the entire state of the application. This single object is also composable, so you can split its management into smaller, independent bits. I also find it useful to have a one-way data flow, so when I click a button in one place, I trigger a chain of events, ending with the update of the UI based on the new state, maybe even in another place of the app, without having to pass props and execute callbacks all around.

If you’re not too familiar with Redux and how it works, I suggest you read this quick article for a birds-eye view, or go into much more detail and even find how it’s different than other libraries.

What we’ll cover in this article:

  1. Adding Redux on the client
  2. Adding Redux on the server
  3. Rehydrating the client store from the server

First: Client side

Let’s install Redux and its helpers:

We need to create a reducer in /src/store/appReducer.js, aka a pure function taking two arguments (the previous state, and an action/modifier object) and returning the new state as an immutable object.

We’re destructuring the state object here to keep the old properties unchanged, and only replace what we need. In our case, this is not necessarily needed, as we only have the message property, but in a larger application this is what you typically do.

Let’s also write an action creator, that is a function that returns an action object. I usually like to keep things together, so we’ll add this in our reducer file. But feel free to create a separate file if you want to group things differently.

Now we’ll create our store initializer in /src/store/configureStore.js.

We’re wrapping our createStore in a function so we can pass the initial state when initializing. This will help us when hydrating the state from the server.

Now let’s use it in our app. Wrap the main App component in a Redux provider in /src/index.js:

Next, we’ll display the message in our App. We’ll also set a default message on the client if the initial value is empty.

That’s it! Now run the app with yarn start and see the “Hi, I’m from client!” message displayed after the app loads.

Next: Server side

Remember our serverRenderer middleware which renders our app to a string? Let’s modify that a little bit. We’ll wrap it in another function, so we can pass the store from outsite. We’ll also wrap our main App component in a Redux provider, just like on the client.

Now we need to initialize our store and pass it as a prop when using the renderer middleware in our router (in /server/index.js):

In a real application, you will want to move this code in a controller, so you decouple the logic of the app from the initialization of the express server. Also, you’ll want some controller actions that hold more complex logic, maybe even based on the request url. In fact, let’s do this now. We’ll move the code for the router initialization and we’ll write an index action that handles the Redux store initialization in /server/controllers/index.js:

As we moved the code in a subdirectory, please make sure that in the route for static files you add an extra ‘..’, so path.resolve() will point to the right location.

Our action is just another middleware that will call the serverRenderer middleware after the Redux store has been initialized. We can even dispatch an action before calling the renderer.

Now we can clean our /server/index.js entry point:

Build the app and start the node server. You should see the message rendered on the server before the client app initializes.

Finally: Rehydrate the client store from the server

As you may have already noticed, when the client app runs, the store on the client is still empty. As such, the message property will be empty, so the code in the componentDidMount will set our default message, overwriting the one rendered on the server. We need to sync the state on the client with the one on the server.

Because we’re already writing code in our HTML on the server, let’s send the data in the same place. We’ll add a placeholder in /public/index.html:

Now, let’s replace this on the server with a JSON representation of our data. Update the serverRenderer:

OK, now we’ll pick this up on the client and initialize the store before rendering the app. Update /src/index.js:

Build the app and start the node server one last time.

Going further

If you really want to, you can even fetch data on the server from a remote API backend. Just remember that the server will take longer to respond, because it has to wait for the request to complete before doing anything. Also, depending on how much data you have to fetch, your HTML file will increase in size, because you have to include the entire initial state in the response.

While this works, I personally discourage its use. The main idea behind SSR is to render the app with a minimum initial state, so the user sees something until the app loads in the browser. Also, client-side applications should only hold the logic (aka data manipulation), while the actual data can be fetched async from whatever remote backend / API source.

Many production apps prefer this approach: Facebook, Slack etc. They render an empty application “shell”, then they fetch the data asynchronously and show it when it’s downloaded.

On, I personally use this technique as well. The only data I place in the store on the server is wether the user is logged in or not. Based on that, I load a separate UI on the client. Then, only after the app is initialized on the client, I get the data asynchronously from the backend API. Until the data is fetched, the user will see placeholders for the content that will be renderer. This way, the UI loads almost instantly so the entire perceived performance is better.

What do you think about the techniques explained in these articles? Do you find them useful for your project? Let me know in the comments.

You can also follow me here on Medium or on Twitter @andreiduca for more stories like this.

