ADHD-friendly interior design — the timeless allure of Neoclassicism

Andreina Veraj
3 min readSep 9, 2023


Introduction: We all can be overstimulated by sensory overload, but those who with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) are more likely to get triggered by overstimulation than the rest of us. While neoclassicism in interior design is often associated with grandeur and elegance inspired by classical Greek and Roman architecture, it can also provide a relaxing and soothing environment for individuals with ADHD but not only. Here’s a summary on how neoclassicism interior can create a harmonious and visually pleasing environment for you and your guests to enjoy:

1. Order and Symmetry:

Neoclassical interiors are known for their emphasis on symmetry and balance. The furniture, artwork, and architectural elements are carefully arranged, creating a sense of order and organisation. For individuals with ADHD, this structured environment can help reduce distractions and promote focus. The symmetrical layout can also provide a sense of visual stability, which can be aesthetically pleasing.

2. Minimalism and Clutter-Free Spaces:

Neoclassical design often embraces a minimalist approach, with clean lines and minimal clutter. This simplicity can be beneficial for individuals with ADHD, as it reduces visual overload and minimises potential distractions. A clutter-free space makes it easier for us to concentrate.

3. Neutral Color Palette:

Neoclassical interiors often feature a neutral color palette, with shades of white, beige, green, metallic grey and other muted tones. These colors have a calming effect on the mind, creating a more harmonious atmosphere. The absence of bold and vibrant colors also reduces sensory stimulation, which can be beneficial for individuals with ADHD who may be easily overwhelmed by excessive visual stimuli.

4. Natural Light and Open Spaces:

Neoclassical design often incorporates large windows and open spaces, allowing ample natural light to enter the room. Decades of studies have shown that natural light has a positive impact on mood and overall well-being. Exposure to it helps our bodies produce Vitamin D, improves our circadian rhythms and sleep patterns. Furthermore, it improves focus, and reduces symptoms of anxiety and depression. The combination of natural light and open spaces in neoclassical interiors can create a refreshing ambience.

5. Timeless Elegance:

The enduring aesthetic of neoclassical design has been admired and emulated for centuries, transcending trends and fads. The classical elements can provide a sense of calmness, familiarity and comfort which can be particularly beneficial for individuals with ADHD who may struggle with impulsivity and restlessness. Since it is inspired from ancient Greek and Roman civilisations, it also appeals to individuals who value elements of history and culture, enabling them to create a space that reflects their own appreciation for cultural heritage. In short, classical and modern intertwined!

Grey Based Neoclassical Interior Design With Muted & Metallic Accents designed by Quadroroom

In conclusion, there are several reasons why neoclassicism interior design is ADHD-friendly. Its minimalist approach continues to strive towards balanced and serene spaces, satisfying the visual while reducing distractions, promoting focus, and providing a sense of tranquillity.

I love Neoclassicism! In terms of art periods, there is Baroque — influenced by norms, tradition and religion; Romanticism — the embodiment of freedom, human nature and feelings; then you have Neoclassicism in between — the perfect balance between those two, the logical, the middle ground, aiming for simplicity, harmony and technical precision.



Andreina Veraj

Exploring my own ideas & encouraging self-expression through Psychology, Art, Literature, Astrology, Symbology...