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Elevate Your Team’s Potential with a Team Development Map

André Luís Pitombeira


From Skill Visualisation to Strategic Growth: Mastering Team Development

Building on the Skills Radar

In a previous article, we explored the concept of a Skills Radar, illustrating how it can help visualise and assess team capabilities. The Skills Radar is a powerful tool for mapping out individual and team competencies, identifying skill gaps, and planning growth strategies. However, to truly unlock a team’s potential, it’s crucial to take a step further by developing a comprehensive Team Development Map (TDM). This map will help align the team’s skills with both current and future goals, ensuring sustained growth and readiness for new challenges.

Moving Beyond Skill Visualisation

While the Skills Radar provides valuable insights into a team’s strengths and weaknesses, it primarily focuses on visualising existing skills. To effectively address skill gaps and plan for the future, a more detailed strategy is needed. This is where the Team Development Map comes into play. By outlining specific areas of activity, identifying delegation needs, and setting both short-term and long-term objectives, the TDM offers a practical roadmap for skill development and succession planning.

Leveraging the Team Development Map

1. Identifying Current Areas of Activity

Understanding what the team is currently working on is the first step. Based on the Skills Radar data, the team is engaged in:

  • Front-end Development: HTML/CSS, JavaScript, React
  • Back-end Development: Node.js, Express.js, API Design
  • Database Management: SQL, NoSQL, Database Optimisation
  • Troubleshooting: Network Issues, Database Errors, Application Crashes, Performance Tuning, Security Incidents
  • Product Knowledge: Product Features, User Needs, Market Trends

2. Determining Delegation Needs

Identify tasks or responsibilities that could be delegated but currently can’t due to a lack of necessary skills or experience. For example:

  • Database Management: Michael is the only proficient team member. Training others is essential to distribute responsibilities.
  • Troubleshooting: Heavy reliance on Michael for troubleshooting; cross-training needed to mitigate risk.

3. Setting Current Goals

Define what is aimed to achieve in the near term, typically within the next year. Based on the team’s current proficiency:

  • Increase proficiency in front-end development for team members below the advanced level.
  • Enhance back-end development skills to reduce dependence on Michael.
  • Improve basic troubleshooting skills across the team.

4. Outlining Future Goals

Think about where the team should be in the next 1–2 years. This could include:

  • Develop full-stack proficiency for all team members.
  • Achieve advanced database management skills across the team.
  • Build a robust troubleshooting team to handle various issues without over-reliance on a single person.

5. Planning for Dream Projects

Consider the projects that could be undertaken if the team had all the necessary skills:

  • Implement an AI-driven customer support system.
  • Develop an advanced data analytics platform to enhance product features.

Analysis and Insights

Key Areas for Development

  • Database Management and Troubleshooting are heavily reliant on Michael, indicating a critical need for cross-training in these areas.
  • Front-end Development shows potential for Sarah to lead training initiatives given her high proficiency.
  • Back-end Development needs balanced skill development to reduce dependency on Michael and increase overall team capability.

Delegation and Succession Planning

  • Delegation Needs: Michael’s proficiency in multiple critical areas suggests a high-risk dependency. Prioritize training other team members in SQL, NoSQL, Database Optimization, and troubleshooting skills to mitigate risks.
  • Succession Planning: Consider creating mentoring programs where Michael can coach team members in his areas of expertise, ensuring skill transfer and reducing single points of failure.

Implementing the Team Development Map

  • Regular Skill Assessments: Periodically update the skills radar to track progress.
  • Personal Development Plans: Create tailored development plans for each team member.
  • Feedback and Adaptation: Continuously seek feedback from the team and adapt the TDM to address evolving needs.


The Team Development Map, alongside the Skills Radar, provides a comprehensive approach to aligning a team’s skills with organisational goals. By systematically developing skills and planning for future needs, a dynamic, versatile, and resilient team can be created, ready to tackle challenges and seize opportunities. Regular updates and adaptations ensure that the team remains capable and competitive in an ever-changing landscape.

By leveraging both the Skills Radar and the Team Development Map, a team’s skills can be aligned with product and engineering roadmaps, paving the way for successful project deliveries and continuous growth.

In the next article, I will introduce a “Succession Plan” designed to ensure seamless skill transfer within the team, maintaining continuity and minimising disruptions when key members transition to new roles or leave.

Stay tuned for more insights on developing a high-performing team! 🚀



André Luís Pitombeira

Engineering Manager with 10+ years' experience. Passionate about leading teams, building products, reading, and exploring new places.