The best KPIs for Content Marketing

André P. Rosa
2 min readApr 3, 2024


Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) play a crucial role in measuring the effectiveness and success of content marketing efforts.

In this article, I selected 5 of the best KPIs for Content Marketing.

Website page views

Your website page views give you insights about your traffic volume and what pages are receiving more viewers. Usually, the most viewed page is the homepage or the contact page.

Make sure the most seen pages of your website are well-optimized and with valuable information.

Average time on page

This metric tells you how much time your visitors are spending on each page of your website.

Higher times suggest more interest and interaction with your content.

One effective way to increase the average time on the page is creating evolving and valuable content, so you can grab your visitor's attention. Invest in a blog and/or videos with information your audience finds useful!

Conversion rate

Your conversion rate measures how many visitors turn into Leads, through a Newsletter, contact form, or downloading an e-book, for example.

As an Inbound Marketer, this metric is one of the most important ones, because the purpose of Inbound Marketing is to attract new Leads and Clients through valuable content.

The higher this rate, the more visitors you are turning into potential Clients.

Bounce Rate

This metric measures the percentage of visitors who leave your site after viewing only one page. A high bounce rate may indicate poor content relevance or user experience.

Make sure your website or Email is truthful and responses to your visitor’s expectations

Organic traffic

When evaluating the organic traffic, you are analysing how many people you’re attracting to your website from organic (unpaid) search results and content, reflecting the relevance of your Content Marketing efforts

By monitoring and analyzing these KPIs regularly, businesses can optimize their content strategies, improve audience engagement, generate quality leads, enhance brand visibility, and ultimately drive measurable business outcomes from their Content Marketing strategies.

About me:

I am a 25-year-old Marketer focused on Inbound Marketing, Content marketing, and Copywriting. I have worked for different companies, mainly in the B2B market and I share my knowledge and journey on the Content Marketing world, such as Social Media and Copywriting tips.

Want to connect? DM me on LinkedIn.



André P. Rosa

Digital Marketing & Content Writer. Passionate about Inbound Marketing, Copy and Content Writing