From Zero to Team Hero: Building a Startup Squad that Sizzles — Part 2

Andrés Aldana
3 min readFeb 29, 2024


This post embarks on the riveting journey of PART 1, offering a whimsical blueprint on conjuring a team from the very dust of the cosmos while ensuring our goals, objectives, and SLAs are as crystal clear as water.


Building a stellar team from the ground up can seem like a mammoth task, but fear not! With some well-placed strategies and a dash of humor, you’ll be on your way to creating a powerhouse of efficiency and creativity. Let’s continue dive into some core principles and philosophies that will make your team-building journey a little less daunting and a lot more fun! 💪

Well-defined Bases over a Brittle Structure ⚖️

Let’s face it, rigid structures are so last century. We’re talking about crafting a flexible team without turning into a contortionist. Understanding your product, your clients, and all the wonderful people you’ll be working with is step one. With this insight, you can start piecing together your master plan with all sorts of patterns — strategic, tactical, and design. But, remember, too much of a good thing can lead to a big ol’ mess. Keep it simple!

Excessive employment of design patterns can needlessly convolute a system, contradicting the principle of YAGNI. In a subsequent post, I intend to delve extensively into strategic patterns from an architectural perspective. Prioritizing substantial investment in DEVex is paramount, as it fosters user satisfaction and alleviates cognitive strain by simplifying processes.

Open Communication 💬

Creating an open and blame-free chat haven is crucial. Encourage your team to talk, fail (within reason), and learn. Remember, you’re not their parent — let them seek out answers, but be ready to guide them without spoon-feeding. The goal here is to create a team of curious, fearless communicators.

Data-Driven Decisions 📈

Who said data can’t be fun? Before diving headfirst into any decision, ask the critical questions:

- Who’s going to jump for joy because of this?
- What are the goodies and the baddies?
- When would this idea hit a home run or strike out?
- Why does this matter, and to who?
- How do we leap over pitfalls with grace?

If you’re data-starved, chat up stakeholders, survey the lands (or your customers), and gather those golden insights.

Flexibility over Stiffness 💡

Business agility is the new black. Being able to pivot faster than a swivel chair can make all the difference in today’s fast-paced world. Learn from others but remember, what’s good for the goose may not be good for the gander. Flex those adaptability muscles!

Constancy and Discipline over Motivation 🏋️‍♂️

Motivation is like that flaky friend who’s super fun but not always there. Discipline, on the other hand, is your reliable buddy who’s always got your back. Commitment and consistency can turn those dreams into realities far better than waiting for a wave of motivation.

Team Recognition 🏆

Don’t skimp on the kudos. Recognizing someone’s effort is like giving them a mental high-five. It boosts morale and sprinkles a little more joy in their day. So go ahead, and make someone’s day with a well-deserved shout-out!

Continuous Feedback 🗣️

Engineers love their CI/CD, so why not apply that to feedback? Keep it continuous and constructive. No need to wait for a quarterly review to celebrate successes or navigate challenges. Keep those communication lines open and frequent, creating a culture of growth and learning.

With these principles in your toolkit, you’re set to build a team that’s not just effective but also a joy to be part of. Flexibility, open communication, and continuous feedback are your bread and butter. Now, go forth and cultivate that dream team!

To be continue

Get ready to buckle up and hold tight to your code editors because we’re just getting started on this thrilling journey! This isn’t your average blog post — it’s the second chapter of an adventure that’s bound to keep you on the edge of your seat, with twists and turns that rival those of Star Trek. Don’t go anywhere, because the caffeinated startup space saga continues in the next installment!

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Andrés Aldana

Crafting software dreams into reality for 10+ years! Started as a code wizard, now orchestrating tech symphonies as Head of Engineering