The importance of collaboration at workplace

Andrés Sánchez
2 min readNov 14, 2018


Have you ever wondered why you spend a lot of time completing a task? Well maybe it is because you try to complete it by yourself. Or if you have a problem, you simply look for the solution on the Internet and if you don’t find it you keep trying until you notice that you’ve wasted your time.

In the company I work for, we must ask for help after 20 minutes of fighting against a problem that appeared in our task. Most of the time, two heads are better than one, this means that a problem can be solved more easily if two persons work on it.

Also, when you have to develop a project it’s very difficult to think in every requirement or component of it. This task is more easily achieved if you pair with your work team.

This is why collaboration at workplace is very important. You can achieve better and faster results in your projects. And not only you, your teammates can also get high quality results in their projects.

Besides, you should also collaborate with other teammates when they ask for help of if you see that they are having problems with their tasks. So every component of the project can be developed in the best possible way, and the project will be on track.

I tell you this because when I started working at software industry, I always tried to do everything by myself. Over time, I’ve been learning that is very important to collaborate with other teammates in order to deliver high quality software and also deliver it as fast as possible.

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” — Helen Keller

Video about collaboration:

Thank you for reading!



Andrés Sánchez

Computer Enginering Student at ITCR | Software Apprentice at Pernix