The Pain of Growth vs. The Pain of Abuse

Andres De La Rosa
2 min readJun 25, 2022

Inspired by writings from Ben Horowitz

The pain of growth is the discomfort you feel experiencing something you’ve avoided. The pain of growth leaves you nervous, exhilarated, sometimes doubtful, and curious.

The pain of growth starts when a trusted, well-intended person calls you out for your behavior. When someone you love explains, with logical reasoning, how you are wrong. The pain of growth is an awakening — a prickly but relieving realization.

The pain of abuse makes you feel like you can’t trust yourself. That you’re unable to form a strong opinion — that your work and dedication is permissible, with no clear route on how to change or improve.

The pain of abuse lacks proper reasoning, often isn’t the first time you’ve felt it, and lacks responsibility from other parties involved.

The pain of growth feels like a transformation. It empowers you to get more of what you want. The pain of growth feels like a worthy challenge — it involves facing your weaknesses and insecurities head-on, not burying them for another day.

The pain of abuse can be self-inflicted. A detrimental habit that feeds on your energy, motivation, and self-respect. The pain of abuse robs your future happiness to feed a stagnant beast its daily meal of mediocrity and comfort.

The pain of growth pays dividends for your future. It forces you to comes to terms with reality and take appropriate action to make it easier to succeed tomorrow, next month, next year. The pain of growth feels like shock, almost rejection, and your next personal challenge.

The pain of abuse upholds ongoing negative behaviors. It finds excuses to justify why you do what you do, while ignoring the loss you suffer abiding to its grip. The pain of abuse leaves you swelling with comfort. Comfort in the inaction — the not needing to do something.

The pain of growth will get you what you want. It will constantly challenge and reward you. The pain of growth is a reminder why not every pursues it’s objective, rash, but truthful nature.

The pain of abuse lies to you. It will constantly challenge you and leave you nothing but more problems, pain, and loss.

The pain of growth teaches you how to accept reality — how to see yourself for who you really are. To take an honest, grateful look in the mirror.



Andres De La Rosa

SaaS Marketer | Recovering Co-dependent | Dreamer; Achiever.