The White House Apology: A Detailed And Genuine Double Standard.

Andres Bellot
5 min readJun 14, 2023

The recent incident at the White House Pride event, where trans model Rose Montoya goes topless during the White House Pride party after meeting President Biden, has sparked a debate about the appropriateness of such behavior. Some have argued that it was a harmless act of celebration, while others have condemned it as indecent and disrespectful.

At that celebration, several transgender guests exposed their chests as a way of pride with their sexuality. After the incident, The White House Press Secretary declared as “unacceptable” and “unfair” the behavior. In a curious segmentation of the public, she apologized “to other trans families attending to the act.”

For the White House, the only people needing an apology were the trans attending the celebration. The millions that saw the incident thru photos and videos do not count for The White House Press Secretary — a very limited apology to a minority whose bread and butter is inclusion.

Even though the incident was not planned like end up happening by the White House, they have apologized, stating that it was “unacceptable” and “unfair” to the other guests who were there to celebrate their families. I am unsure how unacceptable and unfair can be used in the same sentence to describe the situation.



Andres Bellot

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