Top 5 Places to Get Your Nerd on in Fort Collins

Bria Andress
5 min readSep 3, 2017


Let’s face it. Us nerds rarely leave the comfort of our DX Racer Iron Series swivel chairs or our worn down, butt indented couches. I mean, why would we when we have all the entertainment we need right on our desktops and LCD TV screens? Right?

That’s exactly right! But, also wrong. As much fun as it is to plan that raid and furiously type commands at your party with words that usually involve, “heal me” and “idiot”, sometimes having human to human interaction can be just as fun. Especially if you’re given the chance to play your favorite games while being your perfectly normal, socially-awkward self in public.

So grab your inhaler and take that anxiety medication, because I’m going to drag you through the five best places you might actually not regret leaving your computer for.

5. All That and a Bag of Chips

(Photo Credit: The Coloradoan)

It is exactly ‘all of that’, if by ‘all of that’ you mean rows upon rows of TVs and consoles to play your fill of games, for there are games-a-plenty in this nerd infestation. And yes, they do provide a bag of chips.

You can play games to your hearts content for it is open from 3 p.m. to 2 a.m. from Monday to Saturday. The entrance toll is only $5 and that includes access to all games.

Unfortunately, if you do suddenly find your gaming hand fatiguing and you need that quick replenishment of stamina, you’ll have to walk to the closest convenient store to pick up that health potion. But hey, they will let you back in without charge!

Check it out here:

4. The Purple Cup Cafe/ Gryphon Games and Comics

(Photo Credit: The Coloradoan)

Now, this is the place to go when you need a change in console gaming scenery. Because, believe it or not, there are other games where you can sit with real human beings while pretending to be in another world. But you’ll need cards for those and this is the dungeon where you’ll find them. Or if you’re up for a quiet outing and just want to read, the store also has plenty of comic books to help with that physical book withdrawal. From magic to roll-playing card games, they’ve got it all here.

It also, quite conveniently, has a cafe. It’s open 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. most days so if you wanted to sit and read a comic or two, this is the perfect place to find your special, cozy-up corner while drinking a Hobbit’s Hot Chocolate.

Get it here:

3. LARPing in City Park

(Photo Credit: AdvenTuesday)

Now, I know what you might be thinking. “This isn’t an actual place to fill my gaming needs!” and normally I would say, “you are correct.” But, on this occasion I’m giving advice on where to be social while being a huge nerd, which is why, naturally, I would recommend Live Action Role Play.

It happened on a Sunday. The day was bright and the breeze was warm when from over the hill there came a buzzing of voices and a stampede of people, all of whom where holding foam swords. My kind of people.

Located at City Park, these LARPers show up every Sunday to battle it out in role-play style. You don’t have to know everything about what they are doing to join in. They honestly just love the extra imagination and are totally fine with you randomly joining in. Do it.

This is where city part is if you didn’t know:

2. Dungeons and Drafts

(Photo Credit: Odyssey)

I’d like to take a moment to appreciate the creativity of this name. Because it’s also D&D. Get it?

Anyways, this place is super cool not just because of their name, but because it’s a medieval-themed bar where you can drink while playing games. Yup. That’s right. If you are eligible to drink real alcoholic beverages, then this place is open to you. I mean, it’s open to you if you don’t drink as well, but it’s kinda fun if you can.

With plenty of local brews and other drink and food selections, they’ve got a great game archives as well. They even host weekly events, such as trivia nights with themes such as Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones and other great movies/shows. It’s open most nights 4 p.m. to 2 a.m. with weekends being the exception. So, grab that one real friends and get that Butterbeer!

Here’s where it’s at:

  1. The Haunted Game Cafe

At this place you are guaranteed to have a “wicked” good time. The scene is kinda hard to describe, but they like to say they’re a “spooky Victorian” cafe. And it actually is a full cafe, with service and everything! They are also a full-service game store at the same time. By day, a cafe and game store, by night… a cafe and game store as well, only more haunted, because it’s night.

Anyway, you can also play games here while awaiting your food. With over 100 gaming options, you can use your hangry powers to vanquish your opponents. It’s open 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. so if you’re thinking about having your “coming-out-into-public” party, I would recommend having it here.

Here’s where you can find:

I know it takes a lot of courage to get up and out of that crevice you’ve created for yourself in your bed, but these places will make it worth the effort. After all, no one ever became a hero by staying inside all the time… except for Kirito from Sword Art Online. And, now that I think about it, a lot of other anime’s. But, you get my point.

Not only that, you are an amazing asset to the world, so get out there and show them what they’ve been missing!

