Getting stuff done: The confessions of a dad with 5 crazy kids!

Andrew Pain
5 min readNov 18, 2019
Photo by Jude Beck on Unsplash

EVERYONE knows that a good dad:

  • Is out of bed by 6:00 am, for 30 minutes of yoga.
  • By 6:40 am, he’s showered, shaved and is skipping into the garden to collect fresh honey from the beehive.
  • At 6:50 am, he stirs his tribe with encouraging words to seize the day.
  • By 7:00 am, the family is eating breakfast together: the children are respectful, they’re without their phones and father’s jokes create joyful merriment.
  • By 7:15 am, the tribe is ready for action. Happy children get themselves ready for school: teeth (check) beds made (check) P.E. kit (check) and off they go: it’s a seamless operation.

Peace, harmony, joy: every morning you run a happy camp, from Monday to Friday … right?


Like the Pinterest images of euphoric families running along deserted, white sanded beaches, hand-in- hand, wearing bleached white cotton outfits … this is not real life!

Family life = chaos, ups & downs and a never-ending list of jobs to be done.

  • Lego left on the floor for you to tread on when you least expect it.
  • Battles with kids attached to…



Andrew Pain

Online entrepreneur, high performance coach, time mastery nerd and dad to 5 kids, I write about: productivity, self development and overcoming domestic abuse.