How do you KNOW if you’re in an abusive relationship?

Andrew Pain
5 min readDec 16, 2019
Photo by The HK Photo Company on Unsplash

After 7 years of being in an abusive relationship, I didn’t actually know that I was in an abusive relationship!

I always knew I had a difficult marriage, but it wasn’t until 2006, when a neighbour witnessed me being attacked and used the words domestic abuse, that the penny started to drop. At first, I tried to discredit it: maybe my neighbour was just over-reacting? But the more I reflected on it, the more I started to ask myself important questions:

  • Was it OK that I was being treated like this?
  • Was it abuse? Or simply a dysfunctional relationship? (or both?)
  • How long was I prepared to put up with it?

Looking back, it’s hard to believe I ever doubted my neighbour. I’m blissfully married today and can honestly say, that I’ve experienced the very worst and best that married life can offer. So, for anyone who is confused about whether their relationship is abusive or not, or, if you’ve never yet considered it but you know things aren’t right in your relationship, I’ve shared 9 reflections from my own life to help you process your thoughts:

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Andrew Pain

Online entrepreneur, high performance coach, time mastery nerd and dad to 5 kids, I write about: productivity, self development and overcoming domestic abuse.