Why do smart people fall into abusive relationships?

Andrew Pain
4 min readSep 30, 2019
Photo by Sydney Sims on Unsplash
  • How do intelligent, functional people get sucked into abusive relationships?
  • Surely, anyone with an ounce of intelligence would see the signs early and get out?
  • Are victims of abuse both naive and to blame for the mess they find themselves in? Or are they the victims of a calculated and dastardly plan?

Having suffered in an abusive marriage for 8 years, I believe there are two common routes for falling into abuse:

  • Eyes Wide Open
  • Deceived; hook, line and sinker

My route in was Eyes Wide Open. From early on, I could see there were problems. My partner/girlfriend was a broken women with probable, mental health issues; she had bizarre mood swings, uncontrollable rage, an all-consuming need to be in control and a fundamental need to be utterly adored without question.

Unfortunately, as a young man in his early 20s, eager to please, caring, attentive and with no sense of personal boundaries or self awareness, I was a textbook victim. But let’s be clear, there was no pretense from her: her behaviour didn’t change during our 8-year relationship. At the end, it was how it had always been since the beginning.

I just wanted to help her and foolishly, I believed I could mend this broken…



Andrew Pain

Online entrepreneur, high performance coach, time mastery nerd and dad to 5 kids, I write about: productivity, self development and overcoming domestic abuse.