Self-Driving Car Engineer Diary — 6

Andrew Wilkie
2 min readMar 4, 2017


Advanced lane detection

Sat, 4/Mar/2017

Hi. Since the last post, my December co-hort has been updating their resume’s and applying advanced lane detection techniques.

Resumes and Cover Letters

The SDC Engineer course emphasises job readiness and the Udacity team provides an excellent Careers Service built right in. We were asked to search for an advertised job that interested us, provide a resume tailored to either Entry Level, Prior Experience or Career Change and the associated Cover Letter. For a ‘career changer’ like me, I was surprised by the amount of self-reflection this caused.

I initially found it difficult to get the balance right between the Resume and intent of the Cover Letter. The experienced Careers Service team patiently guided me through the process with iterative reviews / feedback until I arrived at a product that I’m really proud. This gave me a lot of confidence for my future searching. Now to build more job ready skills!

Project 4 Advanced Lane Detection

Colour binary of an image with straight lane lines

Project 4 was all about camera calibration, colour and gradient thresholding, applied geometry (calculating the radii of left and right lane ‘circles’) / algebra (degree-2 polynomials fit to left and right lanes) and tracking detected lanes using the Sliding Window technique. Given this I was then able to project a coloured (green), filled polygon to highlight the detected lane.

Camera calibration
Radius of curvature
Polynomials fitted to warped top-down view of road ahead


Off to start the last Computer Vision part of Term 1, Vehicle Detection and Tracking.

