Beyond 2020: How blockchain is reshaping our economic, environmental and social orders Pt I

Andrew Gillick
The Startup
Published in
18 min readFeb 13, 2019


In this series we look past 2020 to what the future holds for cryptocurrency beyond speculation to the original ethos of crypto and the cypherpunk movement — to redesign our economic, social and political structures . We also explore how we could finally decouple the dual role of store of value from medium of exchange from common currency in the future and why bitcoin and cryptocurrencies provide a unique opportunity to break the debt cycle created by fiat and banks. Read Part II on the role blockchain will play in avoiding environmental tipping point.

Once in a millennia opportunity

Reforming the capital markets will be the first step for blockchain technology but this is an incremental step when we look at the role cryptocurrencies will play in the move from a world operating beyond capacity in the pursuit of exponential growth to a steady-state of growth and greater financial independence.

Although currently going through an identity crisis, cryptocurrencies do have the power to “democratize money” and “unbank the banks” as bitcoin intended but not in the way that most people are expecting.

It won’t be through the proliferation of speculative instruments or ETFs for digital assets, nor…



Andrew Gillick
The Startup

Future perspectives on Money, Governance & Organisation | Fintech Technical Writer |