How To Let Your Child Be Angry

5 min readDec 4, 2018
Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash

Anger is not bad emotion. Nor a good one. It just is.

One thing is for sure. Suppressing it or over-expressing it is harmful in so many ways.

When it comes to your child being angry, there are three things you need to do.

  1. Let them.You’re not going to stop a rage that is in full flight.
  2. Validate their feelings.They have to be allowed to feel angry.
  3. Teach them how to deal with.There are ways.

This article helps you understand how to do just that.

Let Your Kids Be Angry

The triad of a child’s self-esteem has three legs — boundaries, needs, and the freedom to feel and express emotions.

Anger is an emotion. It is a response to a trigger, a secondary emotion arising from an inability to express or take action in response to a primary emotion.

Young children do not yet have the means to express frustration, jealousy, injustice, confusion, indecision, bewilderment, rejection, fear, humiliation, boredom, being ignored, being belittled, helplessness, envy or guilt.

So they get angry, and express their anger unresourcefully. Without proper guidance, this phenomenon is carried through into adulthood.




Seeker of wisdom and truth from the Land Downunder. Understander of Families. PhD. Writer. Speaker. Learned gentleman.