How to run BAT, CMD, EXE, MSC or MSI as a different user. Windows 7/8.

Andrew Perfiliev
2 min readSep 14, 2019


To “Run as different user” using Context Menu

1. RMB click on any BAT, CMD, EXE, MSC, or MSI file, and choose Run as a different user.

2. Now you should enter users User name and Password and press ok

3. When you will have UAC pop up just press yes

4. Now an app will be running as a new user.

To “Run as different user” from Start Application Bar

Here you can just press win button than go to the bottom left corner of your screen and right-click with your mouse or shift-left click with your touchpad and choose run as a different user.

Above will work only on Windows 8

To “Run as different user” using RUNAS Command in Command Prompt

1. Open CMD.

2. Enter the command.

runas /user:USER­NAME “C:\full\path\of\Program.exe”

For example, if you want to start notepad from user Test run this command :

runas /user:test “C:\Windows\system32\notepad.exe”

3. Now you should enter users password

4. If there will be UAC pop up press yes

IF you want to create a shotcut which will run the file using specified user:

● RMB click­ New ­ Shortcut.

● In the field Type the location of the item, we type runas and a command with parameters

runas /user: ​ComputerName​\administrator cmd

