IoMT: The Next Phase in Healthcare Evolution

Andrew Burak
7 min readSep 1, 2023


Think smart homes are impressive? Wait until you see what’s happening in healthcare. As someone deeply involved in healthcare software development, I want to introduce you to the next innovation driver: The Internet of Medical Things (IoMT).

Essentially, the IoMT stands for a sophisticated network of tools — from devices and software to groundbreaking health solutions. All of these components, connected through cloud-based systems, come together to process and interpret vast amounts of data almost instantly. This level of interconnection and immediacy improves the supply chain, fine-tunes diagnosis accuracy, customizes treatments, and streamlines patient care.

Are you feeling left behind in this digital leap? Then, I invite you to explore the essence of IoMT, its profound benefits for the healthcare industry, and the strategies to build a compelling IoMT solution.

Benefits of IoMT in Healthcare

As my company has worked extensively in IoMT development, I’m convinced that the Medical Internet of Things holds the key to the next phase in healthcare advancement. And it’s all because of benefits like:

1. Enhanced Patient Care

  • Richer Data for Better Decision Making: With innovative tools like digestible pills equipped with nanosensors, practitioners can gather more comprehensive patient data. This depth of information aids in forming a holistic understanding of the patient’s health.
  • Empowering Patients with Wearable Devices: The real power of wearable devices lies in their capability for early intervention. For patients grappling with chronic diseases requiring constant oversight, these devices are invaluable.
  • Accurate Diagnosis and Treatment: The ability to collate data from diverse sources means that healthcare providers can make more informed decisions. The result? More accurate diagnoses and tailor-made treatment plans.
  • Promoting Patient Adherence: The modern patient is keen on being an active participant in their health journey. IoMT apps and devices provide them with the tools to understand, track, and adhere to their treatment protocols.

2. Reduced Costs Per Patient

  • Remote Patient Monitoring — the Up-to-date Practice: IoMT makes it feasible to monitor patients in their comfortable environment. This not only reduces the strain on hospital resources but also drastically cuts down the number of necessary hospital visits.
  • Early Intervention = Cost Savings: Timely medical interventions, facilitated by real-time data, can often prevent complications. This, in turn, leads to substantial savings in treatment costs.
  • Resource Efficiency: Healthcare institutions are finding that when they integrate IoMT into their day-to-day operations, things just work smoother. From ensuring a patient gets the right bed to using medical equipment wisely, IoMT stands out in boosting efficiency.

3. Improved Patient Experience

  • Immediate Access to Care: The era where patients would mark calendars and wait for their doctor’s slot is fading. Thanks to IoMT-backed telehealth, getting quality healthcare is now just a click away.
  • Clarified Health Metrics for Patients: IoMT devices are built to keep the patient in the center. This empowers individuals to grasp their health figures, instilling a deeper awareness and proactive approach to their well-being.

4. Reduced Practitioner Workload

  • Fewer In-Clinic Visits: With patients being monitored remotely, practitioners can reduce the frequency of in-person consultations, freeing up time for critical cases.
  • Data at Fingertips: Instant access to updated patient data means that healthcare providers are always in the know, making the decision-making process more efficient.
  • Minimizing Errors with Advanced Tools: Incorporating data analysis and AI tools into IoMT software means fewer chances of human error. Accurate data interpretation ensures that practitioners can provide the best care possible.

Applications of the Internet of Medical Things

The rising adoption of IoMT technologies in healthcare has significantly lowered patient costs and streamlined hospital operations. It’s evident that their presence in the medical realm is expanding daily. Generally, these innovative IoMT solutions can be classified into five distinct categories:

  • Point-of-Care Devices: These are diagnostic tools employed outside traditional laboratory settings.
  • Smart Pills: Electronic micro-devices shaped like capsules, equipped with sensors or miniaturized cameras.
  • Medical Alert Systems: Lifesaving devices that trigger an emergency call in critical situations.
  • Wearables: Gadgets such as smartwatches with embedded sensors, used by consumers and medical professionals to track health metrics.
  • In-Hospital Devices: Equipment like MRIs, X-rays, and other advanced tools utilized in hospitals for comprehensive patient monitoring, staff coordination, and efficient resource management.

While it’s challenging to capture every innovation, let’s quickly look into a few Internet of Medical Things examples that have been seamlessly woven into healthcare routines.

What About the Cost?

Estimating the cost of developing IoMT solutions isn’t a straightforward task due to various influencing factors:

  • Scope: The broader the features and required integrations, the steeper the price. For instance, basic tools for patient monitoring won’t cost as much as advanced surgical systems or comprehensive hospital networks.
  • Hardware Needs: Specialized medical devices and sensors for the IoMT platform aren’t cheap. So, IoMT devices development costs, combined with integration needs, can quickly add up.
  • Software Costs: Developing software to handle and interpret data, especially in real-time scenarios, can significantly influence the project’s overall budget.
  • Regulation: Adhering to medical standards like FDA in the U.S. or CE in Europe isn’t just necessary; it can also be an expensive process.
  • Security: Protecting sensitive medical data is paramount. Strong security mechanisms, though crucial, can increase costs.
  • Team Location: Labor charges can vary dramatically. While a U.S. or Western European team might quote a higher price, Eastern Europe or Asia could offer more competitive rates.
  • Ongoing Costs: After the initial setup, systems need periodic updates, maintenance, and, occasionally, scaling, all of which have associated costs.
  • Training: Introducing new tech means training staff. Depending on the system’s sophistication, training costs can differ.

As you can see, there’s a lot of investment involved in transitioning to IoMT. But consider this: By 2040, US healthcare expenses are projected to touch an astounding $12 trillion. From 4.5 billion IoT devices in 2015, the figure has surged, potentially touching 50 billion-plus devices in the next five to six years.

Around 30 percent of these connected devices will be deployed in medicine. In the US, the spread of such tools is evident, with a single hospital room housing around 15–20 connected devices, ranging from wearables to heart monitors. The question isn’t whether you can afford to invest in IoMT development services but rather if you can afford not to.

Building an IoMT Solution: Detailed Breakdown

Building an Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) solution requires careful consideration of the medical domain, cybersecurity, scalability, and user-friendliness. With healthcare being a critical sector, the integration of technology needs to be meticulous.

Below is a step-by-step development process for an IoMT solution:

Understanding the Requirement

Our first step involves grasping the specific medical condition the solution will address and discerning the data to be collected and analyzed. We actively engage with healthcare experts, patients, and other stakeholders to gather invaluable insights into genuine requirements and potential challenges.

Designing the App’s Architecture

Our team meticulously decides on the architecture, weighing options like cloud-based, on-premises, or hybrid models. We design the data flow, focusing on how different modules will communicate. For instance, we meticulously plan the process for transferring data from wearable devices to the app and securely storing this data.

Selecting the Right Tech Stack

Our technical experts, equipped with knowledge of the latest technologies, choose the right stack based on the desired functionalities. If real-time data syncing is crucial, technologies like WebSockets or WebRTC might be employed. We prioritize security, scalability, and reliability in our tech stack selection, considering the sensitive nature of medical data.

Assembling the Development Team

Our team for IoMT software development typically comprises:

  • Project Manager: Oversees development and ensures timely completion.
  • UX/UI Designers: Design a user-friendly, medically compliant interface.
  • IoMT Developers: Manage device integration and app functionality.
  • QA Engineers: Test the app for quality and accuracy.
  • Security Experts: Ensure compliance with regulations like HIPAA and emphasize data privacy.

Developing the Software

We initiate the process with an MVP, testing the core functionalities. As we progress, we incorporate more features based on feedback and results, ensuring the software is capable of seamlessly gathering and securely storing data.

Quality Assurance and Testing

Given the medical nature of the app, our QA team conducts rigorous testing. The app undergoes various tests, including functionality, security, and performance tests, with data accuracy being paramount.


Once we’re confident in the application’s robustness through our meticulous tests, we roll it out to end-users. Often, we start with a pilot group, ensuring the tool’s reliability before a full-scale launch.

Maintenance and Optimization

Stagnation isn’t in our dictionary. We are fervent advocates of perpetual refinement. Drawing from regular user feedback, we ensure the app remains abreast of the latest tech enhancements, amplifying its utility and function.

Continuous Feedback Loop

Understanding the critical nature of medical solutions, we foster an environment of open dialogue. Engaging consistently with medical practitioners and the patient community allows our product to echo actual user demands.

As you can see, dealing with IoMT technologies is more complex than it might appear at first glance. In this field, several key factors need consideration, from the associated expenses to the specific technological know-how required and even the geographical location of your development team.

Ever wondered why some of the biggest names in technology often outsource IoMT projects? The answer lies in the opportunity to partner with external IoMT software development experts deeply rooted in the nuances of technology, ensuring that any IoMT project they handle is done to the highest standard.


So, I’ve tried to break down the key facets of IoMT development for you. Knowing these nuances positions you to value the real-world impact of IoT, especially in enhancing healthcare standards and patient experience. Just remember, with innovations like this, a deep dive and clear understanding are essential to get the most out of them.



Andrew Burak

CEO at Relevant Software. My company has helped hundreds of companies scale engineering teams and build software products from scratch.