A Memorial Day Message

Andrew Yang
2 min readMay 25, 2020


Hello and hope you and yours are doing well this Memorial Day.

Today is the day we honor the brave women and men who died to protect our country. Memorial Day started out as Decoration Day in 1868 and was made into a federal holiday in 1971 so this is a deeply American holiday.

During the campaign, I met many veterans who lost friends in combat. I always felt very connected to them — their patriotism seemed to emanate from them. I could tell they appreciated their right to vote more than most.

One of them, Walter, told me about how he had been waiting to have hip surgery for months at the VA with no response. Another told me about his struggles with PTSD and how he had tried everything. Each of them had lost friends in combat. So have many other Americans who mourn their friends and family members today.

I never served. But today, we can remember those who paid the ultimate price for our country. We can strive to honor their sacrifice.

As Abraham Lincoln once wrote, “Honor to the soldier and sailor everywhere who bravely bears his country’s cause. Honor also to the citizen who cares for his brother in the field and serves, as best he can, the same cause.”

These are hard times for our country. But we will get through them. Let’s enjoy this time with our families and loved ones — and then do all we can to build a country that lives up to the memory of those who are being celebrated this Memorial Day.

- Andrew



Andrew Yang

Entrepreneur, Dad, Champion of a Human-Centered Economy, and moving the country Forward. My new book ‘Forward’ at www.andrewyang.com