An Open Letter to itp

Andrew Arrow
1 min readJul 14, 2016


Dear itp, I’ve been thinking about your UTC comments for several days now and I want to make a few more important points.

  1. Even though all your points are valid, we need to increase the number of people living in UTC regardless of their geographical location.

2. Forever people will be converting UTC back to traditional time. Forever. It will never stop.

3. But just like people still dabble in reading people’s astrological signs, we can move serious time discussions where they belong.

4. i.e. Scientists, the world over, should live their own personal lives in UTC. Scientists can handle the cold hard truth about time. Let their non-scientific friends figure out what the number 23 really means.

5. Once enough scientists start doing this, the world of engineering become easier because we engineers can communicate/relate to each other outside of geographical locations.

