religion in a nut shell for programmers

Andrew Arrow
3 min readNov 27, 2016


Imagine you are an all powerful god and can make yourself dream any experience possible.

Go to sleep and dream you are a king in a strange land. You have a beautiful wife and every pleasure you can imagine. Wake up. Do that again for another 100 years. After awhile, the king in a strange land dream gets a little boring. So you mix it up and this time there is a lion chasing you and you almost die.

go ahead, wish for the best thing ever.

You keep dreaming more and more elabortate situations in which you experience not just pleasure, but the right amount of pain too. And finally you dream, the life you are living now. From birth to death your human life is one big dream from a god just enjoying your human experience because it’s “new” and “interesting.”

So it’s not that I believe in god. I believe I am god. But so you are. And the person sitting next to you. Each human (dogs cats too if you think about it) are god, going to sleep, and having an X-year lifetime experience. But they purposely have amnesia to the fact that the other humans you interactive with are also “you.”

When you see another human you can think, oh, one of my creations, interesting. There goes another. And look at that, I myself am also a human having this 1 human experience at a time dream. And I know exactly what it’s like to be you because I am you.

So is a human death tragic?

The pain the friends of the dead person feel. It’s real pain right?

car crash that killed someone

You lose your best friend in some horrible car accident and it’s all so the friend left behind experiences the pain and has their new take on the king in a strange land story where this time the king has to deal with this horrible pain vs. getting every pleasure possible.

You agree that a life with zero pain would be dull and boring correct? After a while. Like the fun of a new purchase wears off after time. Right after you finally get your life to where everything is perfect and you are very very happy, you can’t stay there. If you did, you would be bored.

So that’s religion in a nut shell for programmers. It’s logical to embrace your own death without fear and trepidation because “you” were never really alive in the first place. You are this single entity called god dreaming you are 7 billion other humans.

What do humans like to do when all the work is done? Sing and dance. And the real question: should that be allowed?

All this talk of basic income and no more jobs for humans, how dare we enjoy our 100 year dream without making part of it important serious “work” to be a good adult. Being an artist, making very little money, but having wild adventures is not fair.


