When talking Climate Change please mention which planet

Andrew Arrow
2 min readDec 16, 2016


Earth Climate Change used to really bother me. I used to be very upset that we are not getting off fosil fuels fast enough.

Then Trump won and now I felt even worse. I felt Obama wasn’t doing enough to stop Earth Climate Change, and now Trump is going in the opposite direction. What to do?

Then, I read the Scientific American article by Charles Wohlforth and Amanda R. Hendrix about the planet Titan.

The TLDR on that article is, if we had to escape Earth… like had to or we will die… Think of the movie The Martian where the main character is trapped on Mars and has to use the resources he has (any resources) to get off the planet to save his life.

We are in same situation on Earth. We have to use any resources (even coal, oil, oil sands, you name it) to figure out all the details in escaping Earth and using the resources on Titan instead. i.e. this is the only solution to Earth Climate Change.

So we have a lot of work to do. Titan Climate Change is now priority one vs. Earth Climate Change. Agree? If not, do you see any hope from preventing millions of humans from using coal, oil, oil sands anyway? Let’s stop trying to reduce, reuse, and recycle and let’s risk, rocket, and re-locate to Titan.

Moon Titan from Saturn the next Planet Humans Should Take Over

