How to Use My “Karmic Reveal” Tarot Spread

Andrew Bassano Brewer
5 min readMay 9, 2022
© Andrew Brewer

for those who have asked for more “detail” about how to use this particular spread, designed to look at the ways in which your innate, always on, spiritual essence

manifests in physical form

and, as a result, how your spiritual, already developed over many lifetimes . . . gifts (shown most clearly in cards 1–3) “work” when seen in the light of childhood conditioning and accrued experience

I am offering this quick and dirty high-level overview

when I was a young psychic, fresh on the scene, I used to ask people to bring a baby picture to their reading

and I would look at the baby picture, which most clearly will capture the “truth” about an individual, more than current photos

I would look at the baby and compare it to a recent photo of the person sitting before me

the baby is pure potential; where you are right now is never going to fully match the optimal expression of that innate potential

who you are now MINUS what you start(ed) with as a child EQUALS

. . . your karma

this spread is designed to look at what you start with, how to retrieve the potential hidden within, and also look at how your path here on earth may have served to limit you



Andrew Bassano Brewer

Clairvoyant, film actor, unicorns playmate -- also voted "One of the Top 50 Psychics in the World" . . .